Its not a 100% perfect, but it should pick up most text.
Chat bubbles: Whenever other players say things it will display above their heads. More animations: Commands (/sit, /dance, /wave, /sleep, /hug, /cry, /angry, /bow, /wag, /crawl). If you are playing on a server without the plugin or mod installed you can only do the animations you have linked to buttons. You can also change what animation is done by what button in the F6 -> Edit Buttons menu. These buttons can be changed in the Minecraft Options > Controls. Buttons: Default buttons for animations are: Z, X, C, V and B. In addition to this, you can change and modify various parameters of your character’s physique, lengthening its arms, adjusting its height, width, and dimension of the head, among many other possibilities. Within this menu you can decide if you want to become an Ender Dragon, a Creeper, or a wolf, among many other options. To access this customization menu, you have to press the “F12” key. More Players Models offers us to detach ourselves from the physical form, both Alex and Steve, thanks to a new interface that will allow us to change the size of our character’s limbs and trunk to create a completely different physical appearance.
More Player Models 1.12.2,1.14.4 and 1.16 is a mod that allows us to change the appearance of our Minecraft character, allowing us to have the appearance of any creature in the game and customize the body shape of any appearance that we want to adopt.
Become any Minecraft creature and modify various aspects of your body. If you’re bored of the same physical appearance as your character, change it, or just change characters.